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NEW WINDS: MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN ART, with Tal Lanir | Series of three lectures (in Hebrew, online)

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A new series of THREE free lectures on contemporary trends in Italian art, with Tal Lanir (associate curator for special projects at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art). Event in HEBREW, online only. To book and receive the link for the Zoom meeting, please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM.

In contemporary Italian art, the dynamic combination between tradition and innovation is expressed in the tension between the link with the country’s rich cultural heritage and the desire to move away from it, even to oppose it. The artists use new, unprecedented and different techniques, searching for the boundary between themselves, the fact that they are Italian and their desire to feel part of the international scene.

  • FREE admission. Online event, in HEBREW.
  • To book and receive the link for the Zoom meeting, please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM.

As an alternative, you may follow this lecture online via:


FREE series of lectures in Hebrew.

November 20 – December 18, 2023
ONLINE | Zoom & Facebook