The IIC of Haifa adheres to MLOL (MediaLibraryOnLine), a digital lending platform with the largest collection of content for all Italian libraries..
Our readers can access thousands of titles (including newspapers and magazines) in e-book format to download and read on compatible computers, smartphones, tablets and e-readers for a defined period of time. The service is therefore available from home, work or school, without having to physically show up in a library. NOTE: The system does not support Kindel.
Reading and borrowing
In order to have access to the library resources and loans, we invite you to register through the Library Membership page >>>
Members of the Institute may download up to three E-books/month for periods not exceeding 14 days, though these may in turn be re-borrowed upon request. Members can access the ‘newsstand-edicola” section (newspapers and magazines) freely, without limits on the number of accesses. NOTE: The system does not support Kindel.
A complete guide to the service is available HERE>>>
Opening hours
- 24 hours / day | 7 days / week | 365 days / year)
Buona lettura!