After careful recataloging, the Institute is pleased to offer the many lovers of Italian culture a completely renovated library, with new services and new acquisitions to experience and read Italian culture in a modern and welcoming environment. Without limits.
- Members of the Institute may download up to three E-books/month for periods not exceeding 14 days, though these may in turn be re-borrowed upon request. Members can access the ‘newsstand-edicola” section (newspapers and magazines) freely, without limits on the number of accesses. NOTE: The system does not support Kindel.
- On-site reading/browsing of books/printed materials is open to all, by appointment ( Books and magazines can be consulted in the reading room. Otherwise, members and students of the Institute may borrow printed books for periods not exceeding 14 days, though these may in turn be re-borrowed upon request for up to two times by telephone or by e-mail (
Reading and borrowing
In order to have access to the library resources and loans, we invite you to register through the Library Membership Page >>>
Opening hours (“Mlol” digital library)
- 24 hours / day | 7 days / week | 365 days / year)
Opening hours (Traditional library)
- Monday to Thursday: 10.00-16.00
- Friday: 09.30am-12.30
The Italian Institute of Culture may not be held liable for any infringement and / or breach of Copyright Laws and Regulations perpetrated by the borrower of such materials. Publications borrowed remain the property of the Italian Institute of Culture at all times.